Maintenance of lawn
Maintenance of lawn:
- Eliminating of winter damages
- Raking
- Fertilizting on spring and autumn
- Moss control
- Weed control
- Additional sowing
- Rolling
- Watering
- Mowing
The secret of good-looking lawn lies in continuous maintenance from April up to October!
We also provide the cleaning of lawn areas from weeds and moss if needed, additional seed sowing.
In Autumn it’s important to fertilize already in August or in September. Gardening store can help you to find all you need to know about lawn fertilization, including how to find the right fertilizer for your grass or flowerbeds. They will probably recommend a autumn fertilizer to have high potassium content, which better equips the lawn for winter months, and helps the lawn resist disease. Load the fertilizer evenly over the lawn and flowerbeds.
When you mow for the last time, use a mulching mower. The mulch will keep some nitrogen in the soil over the winter and into the spring.
As leaves collect on your lawn, rake them regularly to keep your grass healthy. Leaves can kill the grass if left on your lawn to winter.
For a detailed offer, please send us an e-mail query.